Kelly Giles: Scholarship


Giles, K., & Young, A. (2024). Diversifying STEM collections: Where we are now and future considerations. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, (105).

Giles, K., & Sullivan, B. (2023). Putting the puzzle together: Creating a library orientation escape room for university freshmen. Practical Academic Librarianship, 13(1), 3-26.

Giles, K. (2022). Spyfall [Review]. In Internet resources: Online games for virtual events. Public Services Quarterly, 18(4), 293-295.

Giles, K., Shuyler, K., Evans, A., & Reed, J. (2019). Creating a library orientation card game to reach new transfer students. Public Services Quarterly, 15(1), 1-12. Preprint available at

Giles, K., Shuyler, K., Evans, A., & Reed, J. (2017). Apple slices: A card-matching party game about the library. In R. Pun & M. Houlihan (Eds.), The First-Year Experience Cookbook (pp. 44-45). Chicago: American Library Association.

Giles, K. (2015). No budget, no experience, no problem: Creating a library orientation game for freshman engineering majors. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 41(2), 170-177. Preprint available at

Giles, K. (2015). ColorBrewer 2.0 [Review]. In Internet resources: Data visualization. Public Services Quarterly, 11(3), 187-188.

Giles, K. (2014). CheckCite [Review]. In Internet resources: A few of our favorite things, part II. Public Services Quarterly, 10(4), 304.

Giles, K. (2013). The Information Literacy Game [Review]. In Internet resources: Gaming and gamification, part II. Public Services Quarterly, 9(4), 307-308.

Schubert, C., Shorish, Y., Frankel, P., & Giles, K. (2013). The evolution of research data: Strategies for curation and data management [Conference report]. Library Hi Tech News, 30(6), 1-6.

Jones, D. Y., McCandless, M., Kiblinger, K., Giles, K., & McCabe, J. (2011). Simple marketing techniques and space planning to increase circulation. Collection Management, 36(2), 107-118. Preprint available at


Peachey, A. A., Liu, J. C., Giles, K., & Bahlmann Bollinger, C. M. (2024, April 11-14). Evaluating interactive online learning objects designed for a large medical education class [Paper presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

Liu, J. C., Peachey, A. A., Lantz, J., Bahlmann Bollinger, C. M., Giles, K., & Thompson, L. (2023, October 19). Transforming faculty Communities of Practice in adopting emerging technologies with respect to the diverse culture of disciplines, expertise, and collaborators [Conference session]. Association for Educational Communications and Technology International Convention (AECT), Orlando, FL.

Giles, K., & Sullivan, B. (2023, September 8). Putting the puzzle together: Creating a library orientation escape room [Seminar presentation]. SLA Academic & Education Community and ACRL EBSS Education Committee webinar series.

Giles, K., Mitchell, B., & Rogowski, M. (2022, June 13). From dungeons to Discord: Gaming programming for libraries [Conference session]. Ontario Library Association Digital Odyssey.

Giles, K., & Young, A. (2022, May 13). What about STEM? Supporting diverse collections [Lightning talk presentation]. VIVA Collections Forum.

Giles, K. (2021, July 26). Collaborations between Business and Engineering librarians [Lightning talk presentation]. American Society for Engineering Education Conference, Long Beach, CA.

Giles, K., & Lantz, J. (2021, March 4). Get started with game-based learning [Workshop presentation]. JMU Libraries, Harrisonburg, VA.

Giles, K., & Price, E. (2020, June 23). Hey, you got Business in my Engineering!: Collaborating to support entrepreneurship research [Paper presentation]. American Society for Engineering Education Conference, Montreal, QC.

Valcourt, A., & Giles, K. (2019, Oct. 28). Create interactive presentations with Mentimeter [Conference session]. Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference, Harrisonburg, VA.

Giles, K. (2019, June 17). Weeding: How old is too old? [Lightning talk presentation]. American Society for Engineering Education Conference, Tampa, FL.

Price, E. & Giles, K. (2018, Nov. 1). How to research your business idea [Workshop presentation]. JMU Libraries, Harrisonburg, VA.

Giles, K., Valcourt, A., & Shorish, Y. (2017, Oct. 23). Getting started with Open Science Framework [Conference session]. Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference, Harrisonburg, VA.

Giles, K. (2016, June 27). Fun with conditional formatting: How I learned to stop worrying and love to weed [Lightning talk presentation]. American Society for Engineering Education Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Giles, K. (2015, June 15). Creating a library orientation game for freshmen [Lightning talk presentation]. American Society for Engineering Education Conference, Seattle, WA.

Giles, K., Schubert, C., & Wilson, N. (2012, May 9). The art of plagiarism: Identifying it, understanding it, and using resources and activities to bridge the critical thinking gap [Symposium session]. JMU Center for Faculty Innovation May Symposium, Harrisonburg, VA.


Liu, J. C., Peachey, A. A., Giles, K., & Bahlmann Bollinger, C. M. (2024, April 11-14). Student learning with SME-created learning objects in a large health science class [Poster presentation]. AERA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

Giles, K., Shuyler, K., Evans, A., & Reed, J. (2016, Oct. 27). Play your cards right: Creating a library orientation game [Poster presentation]. Virginia Library Association Annual Conference, Hot Springs, VA.

Giles, K., Shuyler, K., Evans, A., & Reed, J. (2016, Aug. 16-19). Building the deck: Creating a library card game for outreach to transfer students [Poster presentation]. Games+Learning+Society 12, Madison, WI.

Giles, K. (2015, July 7-10). A scavenger hunt vs. an ARG as a library orientation activity [Poster presentation]. Games+Learning+Society 11, Madison, WI.

Evans, A. & Giles, K. (2015, July 7-10). Building a community: Games in library training and development [Poster presentation]. Games+Learning+Society 11, Madison, WI.

Kiser, P., Constantin, A., Feitosa, K., Giles, K., Newman, S., Peterson, M., Reed, J., Stewart, A., & Trocchia, M. (2014, Oct. 7-9) Shaping spaces and discussion through collaboration: James Madison University’s JMuse Café [Poster presentation]. Library Research Seminar VI: The Engaged Librarian, Champaign, IL.

Giles, K. (2014, June 10-13). No budget, no experience, no problem: Creating a library orientation game for freshman engineering majors [Poster presentation]. Games+Learning+Society 10, Madison, WI.

Giles, K. (2013, Sept. 26). It’s only cheating if you get caught: Undergraduate student attitudes about plagiarism [Poster presentation]. Virginia Library Association Annual Conference, Williamsburg, VA.

Giles, K. & Evans, A. (2012, Oct. 25-26). Mystery at the Library: An orientation game for JMU engineering students [Poster presentation]. Virginia Library Association Annual Conference, Williamsburg, VA.

Warlick, S., McGehee, J., & Giles, K. (2009, Oct.). Library instruction assessment using Qualtrics [Poster presentation]. Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference, Harrisonburg, VA.